The story of Moolmanshoek – return to Eden
ReStory narrator: Willie Nel
Moolmanshoek is a private game reserve consisting of 3 300ha. It is a National Heritage Site (no 199) and focuses on eco-tourism, livestock (game, cattle & horses) and leadership development (youth).
We arrived on the farm in 1973 and have farmed with cash crops (wheat, maize & sunflower) and livestock (dairy, beef, sheep & wool) over the years. This model remained a marginal business despite successes.
When I arrived here on 1 February 1973, all of the land was tilled, even though it was marginal soil.
In 1979, the farm produced the highest yield of 830 ton in the Ficksburg co-op area. Sustainability came under threat due to the fact that the soil was marginal and after 12 years of making no profit, we had to stop and reconsider.
We had to produce our own maize for the cows in order to continue profitably. However, because our soils were marginal we could not do so and had to stop milking because it became completely unsustainable/unprofitable.
The model that was followed, was not sustainable and it resulted in serious cash flow problems. We decided to implement a change model over three areas, namely the planet (nature), the people and the profit (business). The focus was no longer on profit only.
We asked the questions “What is the original purpose of this land?” and “What was it created for?”
After evaluating how the land is currently used, we realised that there is a need for a strategy that would align the farming activities with the land’s created purpose.
Traditional farming methods has depleted the topsoil and humus structure of our soils. Continuing with planting and ploughing without re-investing in the soil, has caused this to be unsustainable. Profitability came under threat and change was inevitable. Restoration and healing of our land was necessary in order for us to continue at Moolmanshoek.
Reconciled and restored land returned to its original and natural purpose
Return to created purpose
The mountain catchment area (sponge) has a purpose of catching, storing and filtering water, and then releasing water slowly throughout the year.
Soil that should never have been ploughed is healed and restored for generations to come. The vlei grass/clover-legume pasture serves as an example.
Restored pastures can be used for a low cost animal production strategy and organic meat (game and beef) is produced. Now we are ‘farming’ with grass and producing clear drinking water – that which the valley and mountains were intended for.
In 1973, farm workers were mostly uneducated and untrained. There was a heart transformation in myself and I realised that all people are equal before God. Growing people is also my calling and responsibility.
In 1984, we started a programme to translate this understanding into practice by providing housing with running water and electricity, schooling (a crèche was added to the farm school), adult learning and personal development.
Inspire the people Develop the people Skill the people Demonstrate stewardship
Next generation
We model and live this “new” understanding, that we are all people equal before God. We also transfer knowledge and skills to the next generation as best as we could.
There is a continuing programme of growth and development for all personnel and this resulted in a new generation with a different mindset with which to tackle the issues of the day.
When we started out in 1973, I was convinced that ownership of land was not negotiable, and that profit should be maximised at all cost. I also thought that I only have to manage my own farm (sole proprietor). Over the years we farmed with cash crops (wheat, maize & sunflower) and livestock (dairy, beef, sheep & wool).
But there came a change in my understanding. I had a heart change and realised that it is not only about myself and about profit. True business is about nature (the planet), people and then profit (business). The synergy of all three creates a truly successful and sustainable operation. We realised, the focus should be on stewardship, not ownership.
The business strategy should align with the created purpose of the mountain catchment area. This meant that the business focus became eco tourism, livestock (game, cattle & horses) and leadership development.
Moolmanshoek business structure
Three separate entities were created:
- Moolmanshoek (owner: Nel Family Trust)
- Wonderwaterkloof Pty Ltd with 5 shareholders
- Langesnek Pty Ltd with 3 shareholders
These companies are managed as a single business unit and the focus is on stewardship that creates opportunities, otherwise it would not be possible.
Decisions made: Three scenarios
Scenario 1: Commercial farming before the change strategy was implemented
- Loss per hectare (not sustainable)
- 26 permanent position
Scenario 2: Cattle farming
- R700 per hectare (sustainable)
- 5 permanent positions
Scenario 3: Current model
- R900 per hectare (sustainable)
- 30 Permanent positions
There has been an economic effect with multiplier and trickle-down effects on the Eastern Free State economy and community. During 2016 visits to Moolmanshoek, there were 2 300 cars and busses with a total of 9 000 people including overseas guests. Furthermore, the equine facility not only earns an income, but also has a positive economic impact on Lesotho, Mozambique and the Wild Coast with our eco-tourism activities there.
Personal vision
I have handed over the daily operations of Moolmanshoek to the next generation. My passion now is to work with others to:
- Serve landowners and food producers
- Contribute towards the production of affordable and healthy food
- Promote conservation
- Apply and teach the principles of stewardship of land
- Support individual farmers on their journey to profitability and sustainability
- Share understanding and personal journey with others
Leadership Development Centre (LDC)
The first camps were held at Moolmanshoek in 1974. Since then it has been an ongoing concern and has gained much traction since 1997.
The camps held at our Moolmanshoek LDC have grown much over the last decade and currently we influence between 1000-1500 next generation leaders annually.
We had the biggest group yet in 2017, when we hosted Grey College of Bloemfontein’s Grade 8 camp, 281 young men attended!
With all the initiatives done through our LDC, our hope remains that every person will grow in their understanding of selfless love and go and practice it, whether it be in the classroom, at school, at home or in a marriage.
My experience is that everyone in Africa is searching for solutions or alternatives in agriculture. South Africa has its own unique challenges due to its history. However, I believe that we all need to recognise the inherent value and purpose of both our people and our land.
My heart’s cry is that our journey and experiences here at Moolmanhoek, together with the other farms that are visited, will contribute something to finding a way forward.