Berg and Breede Riparian Rehabilitation Programme, Western Cape, South Africa

The Berg and Breede Riparian Rehabilitation Programme (est. 2013) is one of the largest active riparian rehabilitation projects in South Africa. Initiated by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, the project has planted approximately 2.16 million plants since its inception within an area of 18 ha. The primary aims of this project is to improve ecological functioning of the river, to create jobs (through EPWP) and to buffer the effects of climate change (flooding). The programme has involved over 30 landowners over the years, as key partners in their endeavours and Intaba Environmental Services has been one of the main service providers in this programme.

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Sustainability in the South African Dairy Industry – a project by MilkSA

South Africa is a country with a rich endowment of natural resources, which include its biodiversity and ecosystems. The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is responsible to fulfil the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). With the adoption of the CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, the NBSAP has outlined a path to ensure that the management of biodiversity assets and ecological infrastructure continue to support South Africa’s development path and play an important role in underpinning the economy. As the demand for agricultural products has increased, driven by the nutritional needs of a growing population, the importance of developing a biodiversity-based agricultural system to ensure future sustainability should be regarded as a key driver for the Industry. Dairy farms across South Africa have widely undertaken (although still not always to a formal extent, especially among smaller-scale farmers) to integrate biodiversity- conscious approaches in their businesses. The vast costs involved in repairing damaged soils are understood and therefore the benefits in monitoring soil health, structure, nutrients and biological activity are recognised. In general, therefore, the dairy industry supports the vision and strategies of the NBSAP.

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